progarmming with c++


this program is c++ program
Title:-write a program which accepts amount as integer and display total number of notes of
 Rs500 ,Rs100 , Rs50 , Rs20, Rs10, Rs5, Rs1.


explain:-when user enter amount show as bellow


This program is find the area of circle and finding value.
explain:-we are take int data type and float datatype.
int mean numberic value when float value mean nonnumberic value it mean pointing value.
clrscr():-this function is use to clear screen when run the program.
3.14 value is radius value


explain:-when user enter circle value then area of circle is finding automatically


About this program
when user enter any character then output next character show
Definition :- writer a program which accepts a character and display its next character.


 output of that program as bellow
use enter p character and next character is q.


About this program
This program life mathematics,when user uncountable days then click next automaticaly count year, how many days or months.
Definition:-write a program which accepts days as integer  and display total number of year, months and days.


output of that program
as bellow program when user enter like 368 days


 About this program
This program found length, feet, inches,and convert centimeter.
Definition:-write a program that takes length as input in feet and inches. The program should then convert the lengths in centimeters and display it on screen. assume that the given lengths in feet and inches are integer.


output that above program
Explain:-when user enter any number value like 45 then feet 3 and 4 inches the total inches are 40 and centimeter are 101.6


About that program
This program suggest larger number when user enter any two number found large number.
Definition:-write a program find the large number using ternary operator


In above program output as bellow when user enter 3 and 4 number found 4 larger number


 About this program
This cpp program is found positive and negative values
Definition:-write a program check given no. is positive or negative.



output of above program

 About this program logic is swap
When user enter any two value then output when run the program swap number.
Definition:-write a program swap the value of  two variable


explain:-when user enter two value and after swap change the place of number.


About this program
This program is calculated of this program you also done multiplication ,division insted of plus sign.
Definition:-write a program to find sum of two value.


  when user enter any two number then sum is calculated but      you using pointing value you should using float datatype


About this program
This program finding temperature
Definition:-write a program  which accept temperature in fahreneit and print it in centigrade.


output this program
when user enter centigrade value programming logic find fanrenheit


About this program
This program found simple interest using simple logic
Definition:-write a program which  accept principle, rate, and time form user and print the  simple interest.


output of above program
Explain:-when user enter principle value, rate and year then automaticaly count the interest the help of logic.


About this program
This program is very easy found the ASCII value.
Definition:- write a program find the ascii value.


Explain:-when user enter any character find ascii value using logic


In this program we make my pyramid  using for loop

In bellow program we took integer i and j,and 5time to turn loop and you see answer.


 In this type of pyramid we make one different type of pyramid.


                                    In this program we make building pyramid




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